Creative Meet-up

Casual Coffee & Chat

Well... that is what what we pitched it as, but we secretly wanted to hear what was on the minds of our local creatives... to catch some inspiration for the new 12 months of Trade.


So firstly thanks to the Multi-Annual Funding from Ards and North Down Borough Council, we will be able to continue to run the Trade coffee mornings through the year.  Every month, without fail, come rain, heatwaves or snow ( it is Northern Ireland after all ), there will be a coffee meet-up for local creatives.   Each month we will have a theme to talk about, based on the conversations.  So put the last Thursday of the month into your diary...with a COFFEE at Boom! tag.

At this meet-up the conversation started with CVs and how to write your Art/ist Statement and moved onto how to approach galleries.

There was discussion on sales, techniques and  how to secure them, taking deposits and how to send art. 

Jenni from Jenni Robinson Art the stopped by to update us on her recent trip to Etsy HQ in London and some of the plans that are brewing up from

The final discussion, which is a hot topic at the moment was on the General Data and Protection regulations and how this will effect our creative entrepreneurs.

So that is where we will start. The next Trade Meet-up will be on the 31st May 10am - 12pm and will be an awareness raising session on GDPR.

Marianne Kennerley