Linocut Card Printing


3RD November
1:00 - 4:00 PM

Cost: £35 per session

Everything you need to design, carve and print images to make your own Christmas cards!

Linocut printmaking is the perfect medium to use, we will carve different lines and shapes in to the print block to form your image and you will be amazed at the beautiful results when they are inked and printed.

Various templates will be available for anyone who would prefer not to design from scratch, or you can bring your own source material to draw from/trace.  Maximum size should be 13cm square.

Suitable for all artistic abilities, and older children are welcome alongside an additional adult participant (this craft involves carving with blade tools so parental discretion is advised, recommend a minimum age of 12).  Please note that some hand dexterity is required so this activity may not be suitable to those suffering from advanced arthritis or with very limited mobility in the hands.